It's been some time since my last post. So much has happened.
Framing is complete. The roof was installed. Insulation and rebar were installed on the basement floor, to prepare the space for radiant heat and concrete. The Mad Scientist, Mike, spent all day on Saturday staining 65% (he claims he would've completed the job should he have had more "special stain juice.") of the upper box siding boards. It looks super cool! The stain for the cedar siding on the garage was decided. Doors have been purchased. Windows have been purchased and will be installed in about a week and a half.
In the coming weeks, we will reach several major milestones. Siding and windows will be installed. The 16' sliding glass door will also be installed. The basement floor will be complete. The garage will be prepped for it's concrete pour. Our new decks (front and back) will be built. The list goes on. Stay tuned!
New torch-down roof
Front bumpout storage (our neighbors suggested that it would be a great house for Bohdi)
Back bumpout storage
North view with the roof and the bubble sky light
Mad scientist's meticulous placement of the upper box loft stained boards
Basement floor insulation with rebar