Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Fantastic View

So much has happened over the last week, I can hardly keep up. Let's see if I can list the progress, in no partcular order:

1) The cedar siding project has begun, and is coming along quite amazingly, may I add (photos to prove below)
2) Major plumbing continues (i.e. installation of significant piping) which includes designing a plan for where faucets, mirrors, sinks, lights, outlets (all the essentials for a bathroom) are located
3) Basement framing was completed, including outside walls, closets, etc.
4) Electrical rough-in continues. Photos below show the installation of loft recessed cans.
5) Our super-dooper heavy duty steel canopy was installed over the front door
6) The last of our windows were installed

I'm sure I'm missing something, but for now this should suffice. Enjoy!

Recessed Cans Rough In in Loft
Welcome to Our Home!
Close-Up of Steel Canopy
Front of Garage in Cedar
Completed Cedar Wall on Garage
View from the Living Room

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Windows and Doors

Our home has taken on a whole new perspective after today's milestone. Windows were installed last week which really added some incredible dimension to the space. But, today, probably one of the COOLEST accesories to our home was installed. The Fleetwood Glacier 16' wide x  10' hight (approx) sliding glass door (with an 8' opening) was installed. You can not possibly imagine the impact this door has on the space until you see it in person. Our 6'8" electrician, Brian, seemed almost miniature next to the door. Thank you Steve and Eric for encouraging (rather effectively, may I add) us to purchase this door over the "other."

In the following photos, you'll notice that siding has begun. I don't want to discount that task, because that too is HUGE, but I will pursue that further over the next few days.

Large living room window
Corner window in the kitchen
Completely AWESOME (in size and coolness factor) sliding door
From the back